Top Beginner Bowling Tips for Higher Scores

Isn’t it amazing how one small sphere can cause so much joy and, let’s face it, sometimes frustration too? I mean, who hasn’t watched their bowling ball veer off course and into the gutter, despite our best efforts to give it that perfect hook or curve? It’s in moments like these that I remember my dad who once told me, “Bowling is a lot like life, sometimes you’re the pin, sometimes you’re the ball. The trick is to keep rolling.”

Well, my fellow rolling enthusiasts, and I’ve learned a thing or two about the beautiful dance between the ball and the pins over the years. I’m talking about the art of the technique, the mastery of skills, the subtleties of the hook, and lately, the joy of Two-handed bowling. 

Bowling, my friends, isn’t just about throwing a ball down a lane. It’s about understanding the game’s nuances, from the way your fingers grip the ball to the stance you take before you unleash your mighty throw. It’s about learning to dance in those bowling shoes that, let’s admit it, aren’t going to win any fashion awards soon.

So, if you’ve ever found yourself staring down the lane, willing your ball not to end up in the gutter, this blog post is for you. I’m here to share some invaluable tips and tricks that have helped me, and I’m confident will help you too.

Buckle up, grab a snack, and maybe even your favorite bowling shirt as we dive into the exciting world of “Bowling Tips for Higher Scores.” Let’s roll!

Knowing How Bowling is Scored

You may think that scoring in bowling is as simple as knocking down pins, but there’s a little more to it than that. Understanding the scoring system will not only give you a better grasp of the game but also help you strategize more effectively. Three concepts dominate this system – strikes, spares, and opens. Now, unless you’re a bowling savant who’s been throwing strikes since you were in diapers (and if you are, I’m both in awe and a little scared), you’re going to encounter all three in your bowling journey. So, let’s delve deeper and learn how to navigate this trifecta, shall we?

Getting Strikes

I like to think of strikes as the holy grail of bowling. I mean, who doesn’t love seeing all those pins topple over in one fell swoop? But let me tell you, getting strikes consistently is more than just luck. It’s a combination of precise techniques and a whole lot of practice. Some say it’s an art, others call it science, but we bowlers know it’s a little bit of both. It’s about hitting the pocket, the sweet spot between the 1 and 3 pins (or the 1 and 2 for lefties). It’s about controlling your speed and giving the ball just enough spin. So, get ready, as we dive into the techniques for getting strikes. The biggest takeaway about Strikes that most people don’t realize, is that getting multiple strikes in a row vastly increases your score. 

Getting Spares

Let’s face it, even the best of us leave pins standing now and then. But here’s where spares come into play. Mastering the art of the spare can mean the difference between a decent score and a great one. Just by getting 9’s and a spare every frame will get you close to 190. But getting spares is not always as straightforward as it seems. Sometimes it feels like a geometry test with all the angles you have to consider. A lot of the time, our geometry is right, but our body or the ball fails to stay on-the-line we aim. The key is to keep calm, adjust your aim, and trust in your skills. In this section, we’ll explore various techniques for getting spares, even those pesky splits that seem impossible. Trust me, they’re not – they’re just another bowling challenge waiting to be conquered!

The Basics

Before we dive deeper into strikes and spares, let’s take a step back and get our basics right. After all, every great bowler knows that the key to a high score is a strong foundation. This foundation includes understanding the approach, learning to aim accurately, maintaining consistency, and mastering the release. Just like a house, if you lay your bowling foundation right, everything you build on top of it will stand tall and strong. So, whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned league bowler looking to brush up on the basics, this section is for you.

Having a Consistent Approach

In the world of bowling, an approach isn’t just the fancy strutting you do before releasing the ball. It refers to the series of steps you take leading up to your throw. Most bowlers use a 4-step or 5-step approach, each with its unique rhythm and timing. No one approach is better than the other; the best one is the one that works for you. However, the key lies in consistency. A consistent approach ensures better balance, timing, and ultimately, a better shot. So, get ready to put your best foot forward (literally!). A good approach is something you can practice in the mirror at home. Who has money to go to the bowling lanes every day!?

Learning to Aim

Now, wouldn’t it be nice if we could just tell our bowling ball where to go? While that’s still the stuff of dreams, learning to aim effectively is the next best thing. But let’s be clear; aiming isn’t just about staring down your target and hoping for the best. It’s about consistency, precision, and understanding your lane. Aiming is a critical part of your bowling strategy, in this post I’ll go more into detail about how to identify your target, maintain consistency in your aim, and make any necessary adjustments to keep hitting your mark.

The Bowling Release

Imagine this: You’ve perfected your approach, you’re aiming like a pro, and then… you drop the ball. Literally. Not the outcome we’re looking for, right? That’s where understanding the bowling release comes in. The release is what gives your ball the direction and energy it needs to knock down those stubborn pins. Your hand position during the release, whether you’re throwing a straight ball, a hook, or a curve, is incredibly important. It can determine whether you’re celebrating a strike or sighing at a spare. So, stick around as we explore the ins and outs of the bowling release in the next section.

More Advanced Bowling Tips

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s kick things up a notch. Becoming a more advanced bowler involves a myriad of elements, such as learning from the pros, considering if two-handed bowling is your style, investing in coaching, mastering the hook, and getting your own equipment. These aspects might seem overwhelming at first glance, but remember, every pro bowler started where you are now. It’s all about patience, practice, and a passion for the game. So, are you ready to elevate your bowling skills to the next level? Let’s dive in!

Observe Different Styles of Bowling, See Which One Vibes with You

Bowling is a lot like music; it’s a matter of personal style and rhythm. You could be a straight bowler, a one-handed sniper, or maybe you’re intrigued by the rev-dominated two-handed approach that’s becoming increasingly popular among professional bowlers. The key is to observe these different styles, try them out, and see which one feels right for you. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all in bowling. Your style is as unique as your fingerprint, so embrace it and make it your own.

Get Your Own Equipment

Think about it, would a guitarist use someone else’s guitar for a performance? Not likely. The same applies to bowling. Having your own equipment, tailored to your style and specifications, can significantly improve your game. This includes a bowling ball with the right weight and grip, professionally drilled to fit your hand, and shoes that offer the right balance and slide. In this section, we’ll discuss what to look for when choosing your equipment and how to make sure it’s a perfect fit for you.

Model After Professional Bowlers

The great thing about bowling is that there’s always someone to learn from, especially professional bowlers. These masters of the lanes have honed their release, approach, and playstyle over years of practice. By observing them, you can pick up on techniques and strategies that can help improve your own game. Remember, every great artist had a mentor. In the world of bowling, let the pros be yours.

Learning to Hook the Ball

Throwing a hook is like a rite of passage in bowling. It can significantly increase your chances of strikes and spares by creating more revs and rpm. But learning to hook involves more than just twisting your wrist and hoping for the best. It’s about coordinating your arm and wrist movements, understanding the benefits and physics of the hook, and lots of practice. So, get ready to roll up your sleeves (quite literally) as we explore the world of the bowling hook.

Get Coaching

Finally, consider getting a coach. Just like in any sport, coaching can be a game-changer in bowling. A good coach can provide valuable insights, help refine your technique, and offer guidance on your journey toward becoming a better bowler. Finding the right coach isn’t always easy, but in this section, we’ll share tips on what to look for and how to find a coach that can help take your game to the next level.


By now, we’ve covered a lot of ground, from the basics of bowling to more advanced tips. We’ve discussed the importance of understanding the scoring system, the fundamentals of the approach, aiming, and release, and delved into styles of play, owning your equipment, emulating professional bowlers, mastering the hook, and the value of coaching.

Bowling is a fascinating journey, with every game providing a new opportunity to learn and improve. It’s a perfect blend of physical skill and mental strategy, an exercise in precision, consistency, and adapting to the lane conditions. 

Take a moment to digest the tips and insights shared. You might want to consider which aspects resonate most with you. Are you intrigued by the idea of a two-handed approach? Or perhaps you’re considering investing in your own, professionally drilled bowling ball? Maybe it’s time to add some hook shots to your repertoire or seek out a coach for focused guidance. 

Remember, the best part about bowling is that it’s not just about the score. It’s about the satisfaction of seeing yourself improve, the joy of a perfectly executed shot, and, most importantly, the fun of being part of the bowling community. Whether you’re in it for casual play or aiming for professional leagues, the most important tip of all is to enjoy the journey.

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