female bowling

Having a Perfect Solo Bowling Practice Session: 

Introduction : Plan your Practice, Practice your Plan

Welcome, bowlers! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a casual bowler looking to up your game, having a perfect practice session can make all the difference in improving your skills. In this post, I’ll guide you through the steps of planning and executing an ideal bowling practice session. So, grab your favorite ball, and let’s get rolling!

1. Plan Your Practice:

Before you hit the lanes, take a moment to plan out your practice session. Here are a few things to consider:

a) Location and Timing:

Decide where and when you’ll be bowling. Consider your local bowling alley’s hours of operation and peak times. This will help you avoid overcrowded lanes and ensure a more focused practice session. Remember to call ahead to check lane availability and any special offers. The best for me is usually to look for All You Can Bowl Specials

b) Duration and Games:

Determine how long you want to bowl and how many games you aim to play. Set realistic goals based on your skill level and physical stamina. Consider the prices and discounts the bowling alley offers, allowing you to make the most of your practice within your budget.

c) Practice Focus:

Identify the specific aspects of your game that you want to work on during the practice session. It could be improving your accuracy, developing a consistent approach, or mastering tricky spare shots. Tailor your practice plan to address these areas effectively.

d) Write out your plan:

Depending on the Where, When, and How much practice answers from earlier, you may want to tailor your practice to those conditions. For example, if it’s $10 a game, you probably don’t want to waste frames practicing getting strikes. If you got all strikes, you’d lose out on bowling half the frames you could have potentially practiced with. In this case at least maybe practice getting a spare with the first ball. Go for that pocket hit strike with your second ball, even if those middle pins are missing.

2. Gear Checklist:

To ensure a smooth practice session, make a checklist of the gear you need to bring along:

a) Bowling Balls:

Select the balls you’ll use for your practice. Choose ones that suit your practice plan and the lane conditions. 

b) Technology:

Consider bringing any technology that can aid your practice. Cameras or smartphones can help record your shots for later analysis, allowing you to identify areas for improvement. Additionally, apps or tracking devices can help you monitor your progress, such as measuring ball speed or tracking pinfall patterns.

I like to run two cameras, one that records the whole session, and the other one on my phone so I can immediately stop recording to review my last shot.

female bowling

3. Practice Your Plan:

Now that you’ve arrived at the bowling alley with your gear in tow, it’s time to put your plan into action:

a) Warm-Up:

Before diving into your focused practice, it’s crucial to warm up your muscles and get your body ready. Perform a few stretches, take some practice shots, and focus on your breathing. A good warm-up helps prevent injuries and prepares you for optimal performance.

b) Roll the Cameras:

Start recording your practice shots using the cameras or smartphones you brought along. Reviewing your footage later can provide valuable insights into your technique, footwork, and release. Analyzing your recordings will help you identify areas that need improvement and track your progress over time.

Power tip: I like connecting Bluetooth or wireless speakers to my long-running camera if possible. You can talk about what you’re trying to accomplish on the shot at that very moment or tell yourself what target you are aiming at. After a shot you can report your progress: did you miss your target? Not release it right at the bottom? How fast does the radar report you threw the ball? You can listen to this commentary after practice and can get a lot of insight into what you were doing. Don’t worry about people making fun of you talking to yourself. Bowling alleys are so loud and the microphones are so sensitive now that you don’t have to speak very loud.

c) Check and Log Progress:

Take regular breaks during your practice session to evaluate your performance. Assess your shots, spare conversions, and overall accuracy. Make notes or use a bowling journal to document your progress, including any adjustments you make along the way. This will help you refine your technique and stay motivated.

d) Wrap It Up with a Challenge:

To conclude your practice session on a high note, consider setting yourself a challenge. It could be aiming for a specific score, attempting difficult spare combinations, or trying out new bowling strategies. Challenging yourself will push you outside your comfort zone, fostering growth and resilience. If you’re bowling with only a limited number of games, you might be better off just skipping this. I like having a gauge of what my average is or the progress I’ve made over time.

e) Take Notes on Your Progress:

As soon as possible after your practice session, take the time to review your notes and thoughts while they are still fresh in your mind. Reflect on your performance, the areas you focused on, and any breakthroughs you experienced. This reflection will help you build upon your practice session in future sessions and track your long-term improvement.


So, lace up your bowling shoes, gather your gear, and embark on your quest for bowling greatness. With each perfect practice session, you’ll inch closer to achieving your goals and enjoying the game you love. Happy bowling!

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